Bassocontinuo Aeon X Racing Black (3-hylder)

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79.190  DKK
Leveringstid:3-4 uger

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Revolution-seriens Aeon X hifirack i Racing Black med carbonfiber giver dig samtidig Bassocontinuo's lækre og moderne udtryk.

  • Gratis fragt over 750 DKK
  • Lagervarer sendes indenfor 24 timer
  • Afhentning i butik
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OBS! Den viste pris tager udgangspunkt i 3 hylder med 200 + 300 mm afstand mellem hylderne.

Revolution-seriens Aeon X hifirack i Racing Black med carbonfiber. Ben/stel kan bestilles i følgende materialer:

Racing Black / Silver
Racing Black / Lead + Silver
Racing Black / Copper + Silver

som alle giver dig Bassocontinuo's lækre og moderne udtryk.

Bundhylden kan håndtere 80 kg på det brugbare areal af 60 x 51,5 cm, de øvrige hylder håndterer 60 kg. Afkobling sker med TSA (Technogel Shock Absorber) og EDT (Encapsulated Damper Technology).

Afstanden mellem hylderne er individuel (100 til 350 mm) og racket opstilles på justerbare fødder.

A visionary project started in 2020: improve a series of objects that have been a benchmark for almost seven years in the world of premium racks. The evolution of composite material tecnology, the creative genius of Christoph Nussbaumer, a team of experienced technicians and engineers and our long-time experience in the fight against vibration, made it possible to create products that were unthinkable until a few years ago.

We like to explore different worlds and ways of thinking. We think that rooting your work on outdated concepts limits the evolution and prevents new discoveries from being made. Since ever we go against the tide, from the begining we have been innovators and architects of our destiny. Leaving the tracks traced by preconceptions it's ofen risky but we love challenges.

The best we have been able to create until today


Modular, made in stainless steel or copper turned from solid. Floating shelf in reinforced structural carbon fibre. Monocoque frame in unidirectional carbon.

HEIGHT BETWEEN SHELVES (or from the floor)
Modular from 100 to 350 mm

660 x 560 mm (W x D)

600 x 515 mm (W x D) each shelf

660 x 560 mm (W x D)

80 kg bottom shelf / 60 kg top shelves

By means of viscoelastic discs