
GoldenEar Technology etableret i 2010, men grundlæggerne har dog tilsammen mere end 100 års erfaring med at udvikle og bygge hifiudstyr. Sandy Gross, en legende indenfor hifiverdenen, har bl.a. skabt Polk Audio og Definitive Audio. GoldenEar repræsenterer måske branchens bedste value-for-money, suveræne højttalere, produceret og solgt til attraktive priser.

High-Performance Audio er dansk importør/distributør af produkter fra GoldenEar.

7 GoldenEar Products Receive TAS’s Editors’ Choice Award

The Absolute Sound’s annual Editors’ Choice Awards recognize products deemed by the magazine’s reviewers to be especially worthy of your consideration and your customers’ investment. These are products that TAS’s editors would buy for themselves and heartily recommend to family, friends, and of course audio/video enthusiasts around the world.

This year (2023), TAS honored the following seven GoldenEar products.

  • Triton Reference powered floorstander
  • Triton One.R powered floorstander
  • Triton Five passive floorstander
  • BRX bookshelf speaker
  • SuperSub X subwoofer
  • SuperSub XXL subwoofer
  • ForceField 30 subwoofer

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