PS Audio Stellar Strata MK2 Integrated
Den nye Stellar™ Strata MK2™ kombinerer fordelene ved en enestående analog forforstærker, en fuldt udstyret state-of-the-art DAC, en stereo 150-watt pr. kanal effektforstærker og et fantastisk lydende MC/MM phono-trin i én smuk pakke.
- Gratis fragt over 750 DKK
- Lagervarer sendes indenfor 24 timer
- Afhentning i butik
Den nye Stellar™ Strata MK2™ kombinerer fordelene ved en enestående analog forforstærker, en fuldt udstyret state-of-the-art DAC, en stereo 150-watt pr. kanal effektforstærker og et fantastisk lydende MC/MM phono-trin i én smuk pakke.
Strata MK2's fuldt afbalancerede analoge forforstærkerkredsløb, state-of-the-art DAC, kompromisløs high-definition phono-stage og Analog Cell-baseret™ effektforstærker skaber en ekstraordinær rig, fyldig musikalsk oplevelse, som få produkter kan matche.
Stellar Strata MK2 er det perfekte fundament for dem, der ikke er villige til at gå på kompromis med lydkvaliteten. Rig. Frodig. Stærk. En musikelskers svar på spiralen af udstyr uden omkostninger uden at ofre.
The idea of combining a cutting edge DAC, full-featured analog preamplifier, high-definition streaming module, and a robust 150 watt per channel power amplifier was the basis of the Stellar Strata™ design imperative. We wanted an easy, simple, no-compromise musical experience whether streaming high-resolution audio or exploring the millions of choices on Spotify, or plugging into a Stellar Phono. "Just add speakers" became engineering's rallying cry. Strata holds true to its promise of easy connectivity. Download the PS Connect app onto your mobile device, point Strata to your home WIFI network, connect your speakers or headphones, and music filled with the rich textures and toe-tapping energy you've always hoped for will delight even the most critical music lover.
Audiophiles have long recognized the challenge of interconnecting multiple systems into a single synergistic musical experience. Interconnect choices, power supply options, and chassis isolation requirements all play into the building of a truly musical system—get any one part wrong and the system performance is compromised. Not so with Stellar Strata. The chance for PS Engineering to optimize the audio synergy between Strata's four separate systems was immediately appealing: eliminate the variability of interconnection issues, voice the entire system as one component, optimize power supplies, control every aspect of sound quality up to the speakers.
At this instrument's heart is the analog GainCell™. Developed by PS Audio founder Paul McGowan, the Gain Cell™ elegantly solves the fundamental problem facing preamp designers. Volume control. Nearly all analog preamplifiers use sonically-degrading elements inserted in the signal path to control volume. The Gain Cell eliminates this problem without additional circuitry in the signal path by varying its gain in response to front panel controls. Once the high definition streaming module or connected source has passed through the Class A analog preamplifier, it's time to connect to your speakers. Here, engineer Darren Myers used the Analog Cell where he could lavish upon the music the sweet, tube-like quality of Class A biased MOSFETs. Combined with the ruler flat high linearity of Strata's high current output stage, richly overlayed layers of music’s inner details are preserved even in the most complex orchestral crescendos.
Color Options
Voltage Options
Japan 100V (+/-10%)
North America 120V (+/-10%)
Europe/Asia 230V (+/-10%)
Mains Power Input
T250V-250mAH (1/4A Slow Blow)
Accessories Included
Remote Control
Line Cord:
- US, JP and EX (NEMA 5-15P)
- Schuko (CEE7/7) (230V version)
- UK (BS1363) (230V version)
- Australia (230V version)
Analog Audio Inputs
RCA: 2 stereo pairs
XLR: 1 stereo pair
Phono Inputs
MM RCA: 1 stereo pair
MC RCA: 1 stereo pair
Digital Audio Inputs
I2S: 2 inputs
- PCM 44.1KHz to 384Khz, DSD64, DSD128, DSD256
Coax: 2 inputs
- PCM 44.1KHz - 192KHz
Optical: 1 input
- PCM 44.1kHZ - 192KHz
USB: 1 input
- PCM 44.1kHZ - 384KHz
- DSD64, DSD128 (native)
- DSD64, DSD128 (DoP)
Audio Outputs
RCA (Unbalanced): 1 stereo pair
Headphones: 1 1/4" stereo
Speakers: 2 binding post pairs
Trigger Out: 2 3.5mm, 5-15 DVC
USB A: 1 (for firmware update)
Input Selection
9 total: 2 analog, 6 digital, 1 Phono
Volume Control
0-100 (80 dB total range)
Balance Control
12dB each direction in 1/4dB steps
Fixed Volume Mode
Analog2: adjustable in setup to any level
Phase Control
Digital sources only
Filter Control
3 selectable digital filters (PCM digital sources only)
Input Trim
Gain adjustable per input +/-10dB
Headphone Trim
Gain adjustable +/-10dB relative to speaker level
Input Separation
Input Impedance
47KΩ (unbalanced); 100KΩ (balanced)
Maximum Input Level
>16 VRMS
40dB (MM)
57dB (MC
100pF/47kΩ (MM)
470pF/100Ω (MC)
.001% @ 5mV input (MM)
.003% @1mV input (MC)
Gain (relative to line output)
Output Power
8Ω, 1KHz, 1% 100W minimum
4Ω, 1KHz, 1% 150W typical
Frequency Response
+/-1dB 20Hz – 20KHz
-3dB 7Hz – 40KHz
1KHz, 10W/4Ω 0.02%
18/19KHz -65dB
Speaker Impedance
4Ω minimum
Output Impedance
50Hz 150 mΩ typical
Damping Factor
50Hz, 4Ω 29
@76 1.77 VRMS
@100 450 VRMS
Channel Separation
1KHz >90dB
Gain (relative to line output)
Output Power
300Ω, 1KHz, 1%300mW
16Ω, 1KHz, 1% 3.25W
Frequency Response
+/-1dB 7Hz – 40KHz
1KHz, 1 VRMS 300Ω <0.02%
16Ω <0.02%
S/N Ratio
1KHz >110dB (max output)
Output Noise
< -90dBV
Headphone Impedance
8Ω minimum
Output Impedance
<4 Ω
Input Voltage
US 108—132VAC (120VAC nominal)
EX/GR/UK/AU 207—253VAC (230VAC nominal)
JP 90—110VAC (100VAC nominal)
Power Consumption
Idle 20W
Typical 50W
Maximum 600W